To help financial advisors within our community connect with their clients about the evolving situation, we offer the following resource: a check-in questionnaire that could either be sent to clients by email or used during client calls. We find it is useful on two fronts: 1) to start an in-depth conversation about a client’s overall perspective on the crisis and 2) to assess a client’s short-term financial needs to determine next steps.

Note: The questions in this questionnaire can be used with permission from Forum Financial Management, the WAA’s parent company.

Check-In Questionnaire Template

Dear Client,

I am checking in with my clients on an individual basis to better understand your personal situation and any concerns you may have related to the coronavirus situation. Please take a few minutes to respond to the following questions, as it would help me enormously in taking whatever steps are best to serve you.


  1. Does the pandemic currently negatively affect your job(s) and earned income?


  1. Can you foresee that it might or will in the near- or long-term future? If so, how?


  1. Do you anticipate needing to provide financial support to any family member, friend or other individual resulting from the crisis? If so, please provide details.


  1. Does it change the plans that you and I have discussed in our past financial planning conversations? If so, how?


  1. If you are currently taking regular distributions from your accounts, would you be able to suspend those distributions for a month or two? If you need the funds, you should by all means continue to take them. If you can manage a couple of months without them, it is one thing we can take action on now to improve your overall long-term wealth.


  1. Do you believe you will need additional cash to meet unforeseen short-term spending needs, and if so, how much and when?


  1. What other areas of concern do you have that we can address together?


I hope you are well in this extraordinary time. Please contact me if you prefer to discuss these questions by phone or in a virtual meeting.





We help advisors establish and grow successful wealth management practices. To learn more about how we can help you amplify your life’s work, contact us at You can follow us on Twitter@theWAAlliance and on LinkedIn.

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